BReast Concern Action 2022 - ‘What’s hidden can be found’

BRCA 2022xSquareMile KeyVisual

#Traditions #Innovations #PursuitOfHappiness #BRCA20 22 #BReastConcernAction #關乳愛

#asiabreastregistry # 香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫 #支持遺傳性癌症患者

#MessyDesk #RedA #HKSquareMile @asiabreastregistry


As part of its effort to promote the ‘Traditions x Innovations’ concept for sustainable development, Square Mile joins hands with the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry (‘The Registry’) to present the in-mall interactive installation ‘What’s hidden can be found’ under the banner of ‘BReast Concern Action 2022’ between 9th July and 31st August 2022. Local illustrator Messy Desk and iconic homegrown label Red A Plastic invited to collaborate of signature lamp shade and funnel-shaped stool into giant interactive installations with an AR dimension that brings to life a storytelling narrative in an ‘old-meets-new’ way.

Meanwhile, the ‘Traditions x Innovations’ Pursuit of Happiness Weekend Market will give the traditions and innovations concept a palpable edge at Square Mile 30th - 31st July and 6th - 7th August, bringing together a marvellous collection of eco-minded goodies and traditional crafts from approximate 30 local booths. As they soak up the fun-laden art experience, visitors may find out more about hereditary cancers caused by genetic mutation and the services provided by ‘The Registry’. 

‘What’s hidden can be found’ AR-enabling interactive installation

Messy Desk x Red A Plastic Giant Pink Lamp Shade @ Square Mile x BReast Concern Action 2022

BRCA2022xSquareMile Whatshiddencanbefound Installation 03

The risk of Hereditary Cancers caused by Gene Mutations is real. On the theme of ‘What’s hidden can be found’, ‘BReast Concern Action 2022’  presents an AR-enabling interactive installation in the form of a giant pink lamp shade, echoing Square Mile’s ‘Traditions x Innovations’ proposition to encourage the public to care for their families and the next generation by understanding more about hereditary cancers, family health history and genetic risk, with a view of raising the public awareness of hereditary cancers.

BRCA2022xSquareMile Whatshiddencanbefound MessyDesk

In a surprise turnout against a nostalgic setting envisioned by Messy Desk on the street or in front of a landmark, Dr. Fam and Nurse Mily, two influencers of ‘The Registry’, deliver the powerful message about hidden risks. Merrymakers can take immersive selfies with the two characters and other hidden filter effects by scanning the QR code. 

BRCA2022xSquareMile Whatshiddencanbefound Installation ARAR effect 


Messy desk joint Red A Plastic ‘What's  hidden can be found’, ‘BReast Concern Action 2022’ AR-enabling interactive installation

Date: 9th July - 31st August 2022

Venue: G/F, Square Mile, 11 Li Tak Street, Tai Kok Tsui

Time: 12nn to 8pm


Traditions x Innovations’ Pursuit of Happiness Weekend Market @ Square Mile

Date: 30th - 31st July, and 6th - 7th August 2022                                         

Venue: 1/F, Square Mile, 11 Li Tak Street, Tai Kok Tsui

Time: 12nn to 8pm

Spanning 2-straight weekends on 30th - 31st July and 6th - 7th August on 1/F, Square Mile, the Market surprises visitors with around 30 stalls of selected local brands featuring novel goodies and traditional handicrafts. 


Exclusive Offers in ‘Traditions x Innovations’ Pursuit of Happiness Weekend Market at Square Mile

Offer 1: Limited-edition Charity Gift from Messy Desk

Present the receipt of HK$50 or above donation via the website of ‘the Registry’to redeem a charity gift from Messy Desk (available in limited quantities while stock lasts) at the stall of ‘The Registry’ 30th - 31st July, and 6th - 7th August. 

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Offer 2: Walk-in gifts

Visitors who ‘like’ the Facebook page and follow the Instagram account of ‘the Registry’ can redeem a gift (available in limited quantities while stock lasts).


Offer 3Pre-Registration

RegistrationPeriod: 9thJuly -24thJuly 2022

Registration Link:

Redemption Method: Register your attendance at the Pursuit of Happiness Weekend Market, and like Square Mile Facebook page ( ) and follow Square Mile Instagram account ( ) to receive one set of Air Tight Clips on a first come first served basis.


Offer 4:  Cash coupons for NEW H∙COINS members

Redemption date: 30th- 31stJuly, and 6th-7th August 2022

Time: 12nn - 8pm

To redeem: Download H∙COINS mobile app and sign up as a member to receive a HK30 Square Mile Marketcoupon (no minimum purchase required); exclusive for new members only


Offer 5: H∙COINS member-exclusive discounts

Redemption date: 30th - 31st July, and 6th - 7th August 2022

Time: 12nn - 8pm

Redemption method: H∙COINS members can enjoy a 5% shopping discount from designated merchants by presenting their membership card on the app during the campaign period.


Offer 6: Square Mile consumption vouchers

All visitors will receive a Square Mile consumption voucher. Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to the on-site promotional materials or consult the merchants.

For more details, please browse official website.


*Introduction of “Dr. Fam Here For You” Videos

Dr Fam Web Banner

This series of videos are produced as a collaborative knowledge exchange project between The University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry. It is the first initiative in Hong Kong to equip front-line cancer-care professionals with the genetic basics, screening criteria, and also referral methods for Genetic Counselling and Testing Services of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndromes through a case study which explains the 5W - when, what, where, way, and who to refer any at-risk patient and their families for such cancer genetic screening.

 BRCA2022 Websiteimage 1

The video name什麼是遺傳性乳腺癌和卵巢癌綜合症?

What is Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome?



The video name應何時建議個人進行遺傳諮詢和測試?

When should an individual be referred for Genetic Counselling and Testing?



The video name: 病人應從基因檢測結果中獲得什麼建議

What advices patients should receive with Genetic Test result?



More about genetic mutation and hereditary cancers

- According to the statistics of the Hong Kong Cancer Registry in 2019, among women population, the lifetime risk of Breast Cancer before age 75 is 1 in 14 and the same risk of Ovarian Cancer is 1 in 87. For men, the lifetime risk of Prostate Cancer before age 75 is 1 in 24.

- About 10-15% of all breast cancer cases are related to hereditary factors. 

- Women carrying the mutant gene BRCA1 or BRCA 2 have 7-10 times higher risk of developing Breast Cancer, and 19-43 times higher risk of developing Ovarian Cancer than the average population.

Men carrying the mutant gene BRCA1 or BRCA 2 have 60 times higher risk of developing Breast Cancer, and 3-9 times higher risk of developing Prostate Cancer than the average population.